Plugin: | UberMenu - WordPress Mega Menu Plugin |
Plugin by: | Chris Mavricos, SevenSpark |
Website: | |
Created: | January 20, 2012 |
Guide Last Updated: | April 9, 2013 |
Welcome to UberMenu! Thank you for purchasing this plugin, I appreciate it!
This guide should answer all your questions about how to use this plugin. You can browse the document using the navigation sidebar on the left, or search the entire document by using CTRL+F in your browser.
The latest version of this support guide can always be found here: UberMenu Support Guide.
Here's a playlist of UberMenu Video tutorials.
You should still read the guide! The videos are supplementary, not replacements :)
Please be polite when requesting support, and I'll be sure to respond as soon as possible. I'll do my best to answer your questions, but unfortunately I generally can't offer customizations beyond a few lines of code - there just aren't enought hours in the day! Of course, I will always provide fixes for any bugs that crop up as soon as can be :)
There are several requirements for use of UberMenu
with a registered theme_location
with the theme_location
parameter. If you don't know
how to check the code of your theme, just follow the instructions below.Your theme must properly implement the WordPress 3 Custom Menu System in order to support WordPress out of the box (note that you can still use UberMenu without a properly supported theme, but you'll need to add some PHP). To check if your theme supports WP3 Menus:
Note: Please check if your theme has Specific Integration Instructions
Theme Supports WordPress 3 Menus ↓ |
Theme Does NOT Support WordPress 3 Menus ↓ |
Appearance > Menus > Theme Locations: Your theme supports 1 menu. Select which menu you would like to use. |
Appearance > Menus > Theme Locations: Your theme supports 0 menus. |
WordPress 3.5
![]() |
WordPress 3.5
![]() |
UberMenu can apply to this menu automatically
UberMenu can't automatically apply. You need UberMenu Easy Integration
Previous versions may look like this: ![]() |
Known Exceptions:
, so it does not support UberMenu out of the box. You'll need to use UberMenu Easy Integration with Artisteer.
You can install UberMenu via the WordPress plugin uploader without unzipping the file.
You can also install UberMenu via FTP
folder (this directory is created when you unzip the file).ubermenu
folder to your wp-content/plugins
directory.Installing the Plugin doesn't automatically change any navigation menus - so it immediately affect anything on your site, either. Once you install the plugin, you'll get:
When you install UberMenu, a tour will begin which will walk you through the different screens used to configure UberMenu. Here is the text version:
If you have properly installed the menu, but the menu skin does not look like the demo, it most likely means your theme's styles are still being applied. Read the next section on removing residual styling to resolve this.
Sometimes, even after activating UberMenu, some of the theme's default menu styles will still affect the menu - often negatively. These styles conflict with the UberMenu styles, and are known as "residual styling". To make UberMenu function like the demo, we need to neutralize this effect. If you experience this issue with your theme, this section will help you resolve the issue. Otherwise, you can skip to the next section.
The most common scenario with residual styling is that a theme uses a hard-coded wrapper div around the navigation menu with a particular ID. Like this:
Which produces the following HTML structure:
<div id="navigation"></div>
The default menu styles for the theme would usually look something like this:
#navigation ul{ /* Styles for menu bar */ } #navigation ul li{ /* Styles for top level items */ } #navigation ul li a{ /* Styles for top level links */ } #navigation ul li ul li{ /* Styles for sub menu items */ }
When UberMenu is activated, we end up with this structure:
And as a result, some of the style selectors for #navigation
still apply. (Note that the proper way to do this would be to set the wrapper as a setting passed to the wp_nav_menu
function. When
coded properly, this allows UberMenu to override the wrapper ID via the standard WordPress filter - so themes that use this standard functionality don't end up with residual styling normally).
To neutralize these styles we have two choices (pick one):
) div (usually this is easier)The simplest "silver bullet" solution is to just change the ID (or class) of the wrapper div - that is, the div that all the menu item selectors are based on. In the example, it is #navigation
A really easy test to determine whether this will work is to use Firebug to inspect the DOM and find the element that wraps the #megaMenu
div. (This is most often the div used to target the menu, but it may be a more outer wrapper). Simply highlight the wrapper div and change the ID (or class) to something else in the Firebug inspector. Test the menu by hovering again. If the residual styles are gone, that's the ID/class you're looking for.
Once you've identified the div whose ID/class you need to change, you need to find it in the theme files. Most often it is in your theme's header.php file. If not, you can search through your theme's files for the string 'wp_nav_menu' or the id="{your id}". When you find the line, just edit the ID/class and change it to any other string, for example, change:
Optimally, you would make this edit by copying your header.php (or relevant template file) to your child theme and making the edit there. This prevents the need for repeating this edit if you update your theme later.
One final step. You may find that doing this removes the residual styles, but also changes the placement of the menu. The solution for this is to find the CSS for the wrapper div in the theme's CSS and change the selector from #navigation
to your new selector (e.g. #navigation_uber
). This is generally the only style you'd need to change, as it most often contains the positioning code.
Removing the original menu styles from the theme is the best way to go for performance reasons, but it is slightly more involved than just changing the ID in most cases. It is often not the optimal solution because it requires editing your theme's core files.
First you'll need to determine the ID (or sometimes class) of the root item for the menu (your theme's version of #nav
). Look at the HTML or use Firebug to inspect the menu and determine the ID of the div that wraps #megaMenu
Next you'll need to track down where the menu styles are located. Most often this is in the theme's style.css
file. Inspecting the menu Firebug makes tracking down the CSS very easy.
Once you find the styles for the default menu, remove them (or comment them out). Often, the styling for the wrapper div itself (i.e. #nav{ /* this code */ }
) handles the positioning of the menu, so you may want to leave it intact.
Be sure to configure your folder permissions with the strictest permissions possible. If you are concerned, or are not confident in your server permission configuration, the safest solution is to disable timthumb, delete the timthumb directory, and simply pre-crop/size your thumbnails before uploading. That is the most server-efficient solution in any event.
Note that UberMenu's timthumb script includes the patch for the security vulnerability discovered in 2011. However, you can always upgrade your timthumb script to the latest version if you wish.
directory writeablesudo chown www-data -R wp-content/plugins/ubermenu/standard/timthumb
directory to 755
(or 775
if necessary).
Please note that while 775 is the timthumb-recommended setting, a more secure permission setting is 755, and if your timthumb works at this setting, it is recommended. Also, depending on how your server security is set up, some servers will not allow timthumb to run when permissions are 775. The solution is to change them to 755.
UberMenu works by applying filters to a WordPress 3 Custom Nav Menu. These menus are inserted into the page via your WordPress Theme. Normally, UberMenu automatically replaces your theme's WordPress 3 custom menu, when WordPress 3 custom menus are supported. If your theme does not already support custom menus, you can add support by turning on UberMenu Easy Integration and adding a line of PHP code. Note: you still need to be running WordPress 3.3 or above for this to work.
Now that the theme supports WP3 Menus, we'll need to actually insert the menu somewhere. Most likely, you'll want to replace
your theme's old menu, which is usually a call to wp_list_pages
or wp_page_menu, though it can vary depending on your
theme. Once you've removed the old menu and any surrounding <ul>
tags, you'll want to insert the following PHP
code where the menu should be displayed. Usually this would be inserted in your theme's header.php file,
but again this may vary depending on your theme.
<?php uberMenu_easyIntegrate(); ?>
Note: The above menu call should not be located inside <ul>
tags, even if your theme's default menu is
Note that if you have already applied uberMenu_easyIntegrate() via a filter or hook (following one of the theme integration guides, for example), you can skip this step.
You can also use the shortcode equivalent, [uberMenu_easyIntegrate]
in text widgets, for example
Completing the above two steps should successfully enable your theme to work with UberMenu, giving you an "UberMenu" theme location in your menus panel. Now just configure UberMenu as usual!
Specifically, you will need to set the menu in the UberMenu Theme Location
Then, you will need to activate the UberMenu location
Then set up your menu as usual
If you are using a Vertical menu, you will likely want to set the mega submenu width under Basic Configuration > Vertical Menu Sizing. Otherwise, your submenu's width will be limited by the width of the menu bar - which is naturally narrower in a vertical state.
To size each submenu individually, you'll need to write custom CSS for each submenu.
Periodically, new versions of UberMenu will be released. These may include bug fixes or enhancements, and you may or may not wish to upgrade.
Installing updates is just involves replacing the old plugin files with the new ones. It's always a good idea to back everything up before you upgrade, especially if you have made any changes to UberMenu's files, as the upgrade will overwrite all files. UberMenu settings set through the control panel will all remain intact.
Note: If you are running a local server, just copy the files rather than FTPing
UberMenu adds new options in several places in your WordPress Admin area.
You'll notice a new Meta Options box in the Menus Control Panel. This panel determines whether a particular menu location will be megafied. The location of your menu must be activated in order to megafy the menu. This allows you to have certain one location megafied while others remain normal menus.
Please note that you can only have one Mega Menu per page. You could have 2 mega menus, but only if they never occur on the same page.
UberMenu integrates directly with the WordPress Menu System. It adds new options to the Menu Items you can add via Appearance > Menus. The function of each option is detailed in the hover-tooltip available to the right of each option in the Appearance > Menus screen.
The UberMenu Options Panel is the place to customize your UberMenu. It is accessible via your Control Panel, under Appearance > Uber Menu. With it you can:
Each option has a description which explains what it does right in the control panel for easy reference.
By default, the menu bar will fill the width of its container. Note that the menu bar cannot be any wider than its container.
If you'd like the menu bar to only be as wide as its top level items, you can disable the "Expand Menu Bar Full Width" option in Appearance > UberMenu > Basic Configuration.
Sometimes when you replace your theme's menu with UberMenu, it'll take up the entire width of the window, rather than the content width. Centering to the content width is now simple and can be done in the UberMenu Control Panel
Your menu should now be centered.
Sometimes, you want the menu bar to span the entire width of your window, but the menu items should be bound within the extents of the site content.
Note that to have the menu bar expand the full width of the window, its parent element must be the full width of the window. The menu bar cannot be wider than its wrapper.
Your menu items should now be centered to your content.
If you want the menu items themselves to be centered (as opposed to their container), you can easily do this in the Control Panel > Advanced Settings > Center Menu Items
If you want to position your menu bar to the right of the layout, you can add this CSS to float it to the right:
#megaMenu{ float:right; }
Also be sure to disable the Expand Menu Bar Full Width option in the UberMenu Control Panel. If the menu bar is full-width, floating it will not make it less than full width
Remember that your submenus can only be as wide as your top level menu bar by default. If you wish them to be wider, you can follow these instructions
When you build a menu in the WordPress Menu system, you create a hierarchical tree structure, that is visually represented similar to a nested list
Electronics //1. First level menu item Computers //2. Second level menu item (submenu column header) Laptops //3. Third level menu items Desktops Netbooks Accessories TVs //2. Second level menu item (submenu column header) LCD //3. Third level menu items Plasma DLP Projection Cell Phones //2. Second level menu item (submenu column header) AT&T //3. Third level menu items Verizon Sprint T-Mobile MP3 Players //2. Second level menu item (submenu column header) iPod //3. Third level menu items iPod Touch iPod Nano Sandisk Sports & Outdoors //1. First level menu item Outdoor Activities //2. Second level menu item (submenu column header) Hiking //3. Third level menu items Skiing Snowboarding Team Sports //2. Second level menu item (submenu column header) Soccer //3. Third level menu items Football Basketball Hockey Baseball Clothing //1. First level menu item Women's Clothing //2. Second level menu item (submenu column header) Shirts //3. Third level menu items Pants Skirts Dresses Men's Clothing //2. Second level menu item (submenu column header) Shirts //3. Third level menu items Pants Ties
UberMenu translates this hierarchy into a mega menu structure
Electronics | Sports & Outdoors | Clothing | |
Computers | TVs | Cell Phones | MP3 Players |
Laptops | LCD | AT&T | iPod |
Desktops | Plasma | Verizon | iPod Touch |
Netbooks | DLP | Sprint | iPod Nano |
Accessories | Projection | T-Mobile | Sandisk |
Laid out horizontally, left to right. Always visible.
For a horizontally-aligned menu, the top level menu items are listed in the row of main links in the navigation menu. For a vertically-aligned menu, these items are aligned in a column. The top level menu items are always visible.
Example of Top Level Menu Items: Electronics | Books | Sports & Outdoors | Clothing
Laid out horizontally, left to right. Submenu Column Headers.
The second level menu items (those that are indented once below top level menu items) are treated as headers within the sub menus. They contain third level menu items to for sub menu groups. These groups are aligned as columns within the sub menu, with the second level menu items as the headers at the top of each column.
Example of Second Level Menu Items, sub-menu of Electronics: Computers | TVs | Cell Phones | MP3 Players
Laid out vertically, top to bottom. Listed below their second level item header.
All menu items deeper than level 3 are treated as level 3 menu items. These items are the content links within their parent categories. Sibling items are aligned vertically in list-fashion below their column headers (second level menu items).
Example of Third Level Menu Items, under Electronics > Computers: Laptops | Desktops | Netbooks | Accessories
You can use UberMenu as a pure CSS menu. By default, all submenus will be the full width of the menu bar. You can control the number of columns in the menu item options. If you do not set a number of columns, each column will size to its natural width.
If you want to create a pure CSS menu with non-full-width submenus, you can customize the widths and positioning of the submenus via CSS. Here is how you target an individual submenu. The ID is specific to the top level menu item, which can be determined using Firebug or Chrome Developer Tools.
/* Size and Position Submenus */ #megaMenu ul #menu-item-48 > ul.sub-menu-1{ left:100px; width:720px; } #megaMenu ul #menu-item-146 > ul.sub-menu-1{ left:22px; width:920px; } #megaMenu ul #menu-item-108 > ul.sub-menu-1{ left:330px; width:440px; }
A full width submenu will be the same width as the top level menu bar. If you use a full-width submenu, you can set the number of columns. This will automatically align your menu item groups into equal-width columns. If you do not set the number of columns, the submenu items will be laid out by their natural widths.
Setting the number of columns per row will divide your submenu items into equal-width, percentage-based columns. New rows are automatically created when you have more second level menu items than columns. Normally, you would not need to use the "New Row" menu item option when using columns. However, it is still good practice to do so, and may be required if your columns are uneven heights.
To understand column layouts, you need to understand the box model.
Second level menu items create a "box" around their sub items. The dimensions of this box are dictated by the content. Generally, this is the length of the longest line of text in a submenu item group (a second level menu item and its children).
These boxes are stacked from left to right within the submenu. They will continue to flow left to right until either:
When using natural width submenus, you should always create your rows by clicking "New Row" rather than lettings the boxes wrap automatically. This ensures that everything works as smoothly as possible.
Note that there is no concept of "columns" - just multiple, independent rows of boxes. If you want those boxes to align to form columns visually, they need to have the same width. You can manually set the width of your columns with custom CSS. Generally, if you have enough submenu items to form two rows of columns, you'll want to use the Full Width strategy above and set the number of columns, which will naturally align everything.
You can set how your natural width submenu is aligned: left, right, or center. To center your submenu, you'll need to have jQuery Enhancements enabled.
Widget areas are always sized as the full width of the submenu. This is because the widgets within them form the columns, rather than the menu items.
To create an UberMenu, follow the Setup Instructions, and then add content to your Menu. Items are added via the normal WordPress 3 Menu Management mechanism. For more information, read this.
Even in an UberMenu, you can still create a normal flyout menu. Just make sure that Activate Mega Menu is NOT checked on the top level menu item. Add items as usual. Note that if the top level item is not a Mega Menu, the Mega Menu options are non-applicable, except for disabling text and links, and Align to Right Edge.
Adding normal link content to a Mega Menu is as simple as creating a flyout menu. Just make sure that Activate Mega Menu IS checked on the top level menu item. Second level items create column headers and third level items fill the content below those headers. See the Layout section for more information on how to create the layout you want.
UberMenu makes it easy to apply an image to each menu item, in any level. The image is placed to the left of the menu item text. Images can be automatically resized. You can control how this is done (via TimThumb or normal browser scaling) and to what size the images are scaled through the UberMenu Control Panel.
Here's how to apply an image to a Menu Item:
If you want to create image-only links (icons but no text), just check the Disable Text option on that menu item.
Note that you still need to set a Navigation Label, even though it won't be displayed. If you try to save the item with a blank Navigation Label, the item will be removed by the WordPress menu system.
Adding descriptions to your Menus is simple with UberMenu. Here's how to set them up:
Note: this is done because descriptions are often set by default to the excerpt or full post text - if you only want to display descriptions on a particular level, this saves you from deleting all of the menu item descriptions on other levels.
Adding content via widgets is easy, but takes several steps. The basic process is to (1) Create a Menu Item (2) Set the Menu Item's Widget Area (3) Populate the Widget Area with Widgets. You should think of a single menu item, which contains a single Widget Area, as a full-width row in the second level of the menu. Multiple widgets in a single widget area automatically create columns within that row.
Note that by default, top-level widgets are deactivated. To activate top-level widgets:
Once you have top-level widgets activated, you'll be able to use widgets in top level menu items as described above.
Using content overrides, you can add any custom content to your menu you want, including shortcodes.
Adding content is easy, but formatting is sometimes unpredictable. You may need to apply custom CSS styles to your menu in order to make your shortcodes display the way you'd like them to - especially custom widths.
UberMenu comes packaged with some useful shortcodes.
Basic link content gets columnized automatically, as does widgetized content. While this automatic column structure takes care of most use cases, sometimes you want more advanced column structures with uneven columns. The columns shortcode gives you this ability. Recommended usage is within a text widget.
For example, the following:
[ubermenu-colgroup] [ubermenu-col] <h4>Column 1/4</h4> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc auctor dolor vitae felis accumsan. [/ubermenu-col] [ubermenu-col] <h4>Column 1/4</h4> Suspendisse ut purus nulla. Integer viverra diam sed augue pretium iaculis. [/ubermenu-col] [ubermenu-col colspan="2"] <h4>Column 1/2</h4> Curabitur in enim ipsum. Tel congue purus pharetra. Nullam eget malesuada justo. Sed egestas, velit vel aliquet vestibulum, urna urna dapibus enim, non hendrerit lacus urna non justo. Aliquam blandit magna eu enim auctor euismod. [/ubermenu-col] [/ubermenu-colgroup]
Add up to 7 columns, set your colspans, et voila!
The UberMenu Google Maps shortcode allows you to insert geocoded map locations into your menu.
To use Google Maps you need to include the API, which can be done by enabling
Load Google Maps in Appearance > UberMenu > Descriptions, Shortcodes, Widgets
This map will automatically be recentered when the submenu is opened.
[ubermenu-map address="Boston, MA" zoom="15" title="My Title"]
lat | The latitude of the coordinates to show on the map. This will load immediately. | 40.4166909 |
lng | The longitude of the coordinates to show on the map. This will load immediately. | -3.7003454 |
address | This address is optional and will be geocoded and displayed - it sends an extra request to do this, so if the geocode fails the original lat and long coordinates will be displayed. | 5 Calle de Sevilla, Madrid, Spain |
zoom | The level to which the map should be zoomed to begin with. | 15 |
title | The text to display when hovering over the map marker. | Agility, Inc |
width | Width of the map. Defaults to 100%. | 200px |
height | Height of the map. Defaults to 200px. | 200px |
Please note that this is a customization, not a supported feature of UberMenu. This section is intended to point you in the right direction with your customization, but any changes are your responsibility.
Inside the ubermenu.shortcodes.php file, you will find the definition of the ubermenu-search shortcode. If you'd like to make your own version, so that you may customize the HTML, just copy the definition to your theme's functions.php file, rename the shortcode and function name to create your own shortcode:
function custom_searchform(){ $form = ''; return $form; } add_shortcode( 'custom-search', 'custom_searchform' );
You can then customize your search bar with CSS using this selector:
#megaMenu > ul.megaMenu > > .wpmega-nonlink > form#searchform input[type="text"]{ /* Your styles here */ }
The recent posts shortcode allows you to show a number of recent posts and supports featured images.
[wpmega-recent-posts num="3" img="on" excerpt="on" category="cat_slug"]Recent Posts Shortcode Attributes
num | Sets the number of posts to display. |
img | Turn featured image display on or off. |
excerpt | Turn the post excerpt on or off. |
category | Set the category from which to pull posts. Use the category slug or ID. |
Contact forms can be added using Contact Form 7. Just paste the shortcode provided into either a Content Override box or a Text Widget
To add a horizontal rule to your menu, enter the special character sequence --divide--
into the Navigation Label of a Menu Item. This Menu Item may contain widgets or shortcodes, or it may be left
blank. To start a new row with the horizontal rule, check the Vertical Division box.
Here's a visual map of how the UberMenu submenu is laid out (click to enlarge)
The first thing you need to understand about touch devices (smart phones and tablets), is that there is no true "hover" event, as there is with pointer (mouse-based) devices. A gesture (tap) on the screen must be translated into a hover or click event in the browser. The intent of the user is unknown, so the gesture is somewhat ambiguous. Since on menu items, hover and click have two distinct functionalities (open submenu versus follow link), the OS must use its "best judgment" to approximate click and hover events based on taps.
iOS implements the following logic:
With the logic of Scenario A, it would not be possible to open submenus by tapping.
Since iOS implements the "hover over" event as a tap on a menu item with a submenu, you'd expect it to implement the "hover out" event by tapping anywhere else; however, this is not the case. iOS only triggers the hover-out event when the hover-over event is triggered on a new element. That means that you can't just tap elsewhere to close the submenu.
The solution employed by UberMenu is to add a small × on iOS devices when the submenu is open, which allows the user to close the submenu by clicking it. Otherwise, the submenu would be effectively uncloseable.
Once the item has been clicked, however, the link becomes "primed". That means, the second time you click it, the link will be followed, rather than re-opening the submenu. Therefore, UberMenu provides a new button, ↓, in place of the ×, which allows the user to reopen the submenu by clicking the down arrow, or follow the link by clicking the link text.
Android does things differently. The first tap immediately follows the link, even on menu items with dropdowns. To open a dropdown, it requires a swipe that starts on the menu item and ends off of it. This is best approximated by a downward swipe.
UberMenu implements a "Force Click Trigger on Android" option that makes Android behave more like iOS, which can be enabled or disabled in the control panel. The drawback is that to follow a top-level menu link, you need to hold, then choose "open link", rather than just tapping.
Android's hover-out event is triggered by clicking anywhere else on the page, so there is no need for the × button described above.
Any time you want to customize UberMenu's look and feel, you should use these techniques. NEVER edit the core files, or you will make upgrades very difficult for yourself.
UberMenu's skin system makes it easy to create your own styles, using either the Style Generator or a custom CSS file.
The Style Generator is the simplest way to create a custom skin for your menu.
By default, the custom styles generated by the Style Generator will be loaded in the site's <head>
If you want, you can have UberMenu attempt to write a custom CSS file. In order to do so, you'll need
to have your stylegenerator/
directory writable by the server.
To write to a file, enable Save custom CSS to file
If the file cannot be saved, you will receive a warning when saving your settings. In this case, UberMenu will automatically revert to including your custom styles in the site head.
If you would rather include your custom CSS in another file, you can still use the Style Generator, but set the Style Application to Do Nothing. Then you can view the CSS (next to the preview button) and copy it into any stylesheet you want. No skin will be included by UberMenu in this case.
Need to add just a few lines of CSS to tweak your menu? Just insert it in the textarea under Style Configuration > Custom CSS, and it'll automatically be added to your site <head>.
to custom.css
in the styles/
directory (just like with wp-config-sample.php
You should always back up this file before updating, just to be safe.
It's tough to inspect a sub menu that is constantly retracting. Try switching your menu into click mode (UberMenu > Basic Configuration > Trigger). Then your submenus will stay expanded while you investigate them!
One great tool for customizing menu styles is the use of Firebug, a Firefox plugin. It allows you to inspect the HTML and the CSS styles, as well as change, add or remove styles temporarily to test changes. It's by far the best way to fully customize your menu style. You can get it at (Alternatively, you can use the built-in Chrome Developer Tools in Google Chrome by pressing F12).
Here are two a great videos on using Firebug. Just remember: DON'T EDIT THE CORE UBERMENU FILES. Instead, be sure to follow the UberMenu Customization Best Practices.
Using Firebug for CSS from kristarella on Vimeo.
The customization assistant will allow you to click on an item in a sample menu and see potential style selectors to customize that type of item. While I can't support individual customizations for each customer, I hope this will help you with your customizations!
Try the Customization Assistant →Fires upon completion of a submenu show animation.
//See for full example var $li = $u( '' ); var mapHandler = function(){ google.maps.event.trigger(map, "resize"); map.setCenter(latlng); //Only resize the first time we open $li.unbind( 'ubermenuopen', mapHandler ); } $li.bind( 'ubermenuopen', mapHandler );
Fires upon completion of a submenu hide animation.
Pass the top level menu item ID selector (e.g. '#menu-item-15') to control the submenus.
Opens a mega submenu
jQuery(document).ready( function($){ //open the menu when clicking on a special button $('#my_special_button').click( function(){ uberMenu_openMega('#menu-item-15'); }); });
Opens a flyout menu
Closes a submenu
Most themes work with UberMenu out of the box. Some require a little tweaking.
Paralelus informs me that the same general solution works for Salutation as well, though it only has a single menu. Note that the line numbers below may differ somewhat.
Mingle and Salutation are awesome themes, but integrating them with UberMenu is a little tricky. Here are some guidelines for the changes you'll need to make:
1. First, Mingle/Salutation's menu javascript throws an error if the default menu doesn't exist. To solve this problem, we need to comment out the call to ddsmoothmenu()
for the left menu in the theme's footer.php
around line 51
//if ($theHeader['menu_left']) { echo 'ddsmoothmenu.init({ mainmenuid: "MM", orientation: "h", classname: "slideMenu", contentsource: "markup" });'; }
2. To remove the theme's styling from the menu, you'll need to change the class name of the left/primary menu (.slideMenu) around line 50 of design-header.php
//From: <?php if ($theHeader['menu_left']) { ?> <div id="MM" class="slideMenu"> //To: <?php if ($theHeader['menu_left']) { ?> <div id="MM" class="uberslideMenu">
3. Now things are working as they should, you'll just need to restyle a bit (see Creating Your Own Styles - Via CSS). You'll likely want to reduce the padding on the top level menu items to make it fit, and maybe make the background of the menu bar transparent. Here is some code to get you started:
#megaMenu{ ul.megaMenu > li > a { padding:7px 10px; } #megaMenu ul.megaMenu{ background:none; border:none; }
Remember, the width of the submenus is limited to the width of the top level nav bar, so if you want to increase it you can adjust the size like this:
#megaMenu{ width:500px; }
4. Keep in mind that Mingle uses two menus, while UberMenu can only be used once per page. If you'd like to use UberMenu styles for "both" menus, I would recommend removing the second menu, using a single UberMenu, setting it to 100% width, and position some of the menu items to the right via CSS (the customization details are beyond the scope of this help file).
As there are many Genesis child themes, this solution may vary among them. However, this technique is known to work with the default Genesis theme as of version 1.7. Similar strategies should work with alternate child themes, though specifics may vary with your child theme.
There are two issues when integrating with Genesis:
on the #nav
divBoth issues are resolved easily by changing the ID of the #nav
div or removing the container entirely. Of course, we don't want to edit the Genesis core directly, so we just use the Genesis filter system to update the menu display (add this code to your child theme's functions.php file):
/* Child Theme's functions.php */ add_filter( 'genesis_do_nav', 'genesis_child_nav', 10, 3 ); function genesis_child_nav($nav_output, $nav, $args){ return $nav; }
To accomplish the same thing with the submenu instead, you just need to change the filter:
add_filter( 'genesis_do_subnav', 'genesis_child_nav', 10, 3 ); function genesis_child_nav($nav_output, $nav, $args){ return $nav; }
You may also need to center your menu afterwards, depending on your subtheme. You can do so either through the UberMenu Control Panel > Advanced Settings, or via custom CSS:
#megaMenu{ width:960px; max-width:100%; margin: 0 auto; float:none; }
That's it!
Jump Start is an excellent framework by Jason over at ThemeBlvd. The only compatibility issue with UberMenu is some residual styling from the theme framework. But since the theme framework is so flexible and you're likely already using a child theme, swapping out the menus is simple. Note that I developed these integration instructions specifically for Akita; but they should translate to all themes that use the Jump Start Framework. Also pay attention to the three options in the code which may be more appropriate for different themes.
(Place this in your child theme's functions.php):
function replace_themeblvd_header_menu(){ //Option 1: General Framework Menu Removal (this is already removed in Akita) //remove_action( 'themeblvd_header_menu', 'themeblvd_header_menu_default' ); //Option 2: Theme- (Akita) specific menu removal (the menu that replaces the default in Akita out-of-the-box) //remove_action( 'themeblvd_header_menu', 'akita_header_menu' ); //Option 3: Catch-all menu removal (just remove everthing - could have other impact) remove_all_actions( 'themeblvd_header_menu' ); //Insert UberMenu add_action( 'themeblvd_header_menu' , 'uberMenu_easyIntegrate' ); } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'replace_themeblvd_header_menu' );
Now just activate Easy Integration in the UberMenu Control Panel, set a menu for and enable the UberMenu Theme Location in Appearance > Menus, and you should be good to go!
If you get a layout issue (like the breadcrumbs are no longer visible), adding this code may help:
#internal_wrapper{ clear:both; }
UberMenu integrates well with Karma except when it comes to templates with additional menus. If you use a template like Left Nav + Sidebar
, you'll find that both the header nav menu and the sidebar nav menu become UberMenus.
The issue arises because Karma defines both menus as the same menu theme location. That is, both the menu in the header and the menu in the sidebar are defined as "Primary Navigation" by Karma. As a result, there is no distinction to be made between the two menus (they are really the same menu, printed twice), so you end up with two UberMenus.
/* Karma/header.php line 76-80 */ <?php if(has_nav_menu('Primary Navigation')): ?><?php endif; ?> /* Reformatted here for visualization */ wp_nav_menu( array( 'container' =>false, 'theme_location' => 'Primary Navigation', //PROBLEM 'depth' => 0, 'walker' => new description_walker()) ); } /****************************************************/ /* Sidebar - Karma/functions/global/subnav-left.php line 2*/ $menu_code = wp_nav_menu( array( 'container' =>false, 'theme_location' => 'Primary Navigation', //PROBLEM 'sort_column' => 'menu_order', 'menu_class' => '', 'echo' => false, 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => '', 'depth' => 0, 'walker' => new sub_nav_walker()) );
The solution is to define a menu theme location for each real menu location within the templates (header, nav, etc). Really, we just want to make sure that the header menu is an UberMenu and nothing else. So the simplest solution is to use UberMenu Easy Integration for the header menu. This will automatically define a new theme location called "UberMenu". Switch it on in Appearance > UberMenu > Theme Integration > Easy Integration, then add the appropriate code:
/* Replace the entire menu section call in header.php line 76-80 with uberMenu_easyIntegrate() */ /* Remove this: */ <?php if(has_nav_menu('Primary Navigation')): ?><?php endif; ?> /* Add this: */ <?php uberMenu_easyIntegrate(); ?>
Once you've done that, just go to Appearance > Menus and set the appropriate menu for the UberMenu location, and activate that location (deactivate the others). You can set whatever menu you want for the Primary Navigation location, which will now be used for things like sidebars (you can use the same menu here, it'll just be printed normally rather than as an UberMenu.
So now,
Headway 3.0 makes things much easier than with Headway 2.x. The new system uses WordPress 3 menus properly, so that's great. However, since the Headway menu CSS is coded relative to the navigation block, rather than the wp_nav_menu container, we end up with residual styling which interferes with UberMenu. That means the easiest solution is to use UberMenu Easy Integration, and the Headway block system makes that possible without editing any core files. Here's what you need to do:
In a nutshell: we will replace the Headway navigation block entirely with a custom code block containing UberMenu Easy Integation.
<?php uberMenu_easyIntegrate(); ?>
on the block applied by Headway. So we need to add this code to override that:
/* Replace 11 with the ID of your custom block */ #block-11{ overflow:visible; }Where
is the ID of the custom block. You can place the style in Headway's Live CSS Editor.I leave this explanation here for users of older versions of Headway
Headway includes an "IE Fix" script for IE8, which disables UberMenu's dropdowns. There's nothing UberMenu can do about this. However, Headway has identified a solution, and I've been told they intend to replace the fix script with the defacto standard HTML5 shiv. This will fix the issue.
I’ve been looking into this and have came up with a solution for the next update. In the meantime, you can try inserting this PHP into your child theme functions.php file. If you don’t have a child theme setup, you can use this plugin:
add_action('wp_head', 'add_html5_shiv'); function add_html5_shiv() { echo ''; } add_filter('headway_standards_compliance_js', 'replace_ie9js_with_ie8js'); function replace_ie9js_with_ie8js() { return ''; }Link to Headway's response
Thanks to Headway for making their product more compatible!
Note: if you're only using one menu on your site, UberMenu should work without the need for these steps
Headway does not implement WP3 Menus using Theme Locations, so it won't work with UberMenu out of the box if you want to use multiple menus on your site (it doesn't pass the compatibility test). To get UberMenu integrated with Headway without changing any core Headway code, follow these steps:
div, (below the Activate UberMenu Locations meta box). Disable the display:none;
, which will make the Theme Locations box appear. library/admin/css/admin-global.css
file and remove line 12: div#nav-menu-theme-locations { display: none; }
UberMenu should now be properly integrated with Headway
Redux is great, it just requires some residual styling removal
<!-- BEGIN #primary-nav -->
div to uber-nav
, so you have this:
<div id="uber-nav">
#uber-nav { margin-bottom: 40px; float: right; margin-right: -10px; }
#builder-module-#########, #builder-container-########## div.builder-module-outer-wrapper, /* either this */ #builder-container-########## div.builder-module-block-outer-wrapper{ /* or this */ overflow:visible !important; }where ######### is the ID of your module/container. The first selector may only be necessary if you're using a navigation module rather than an HTML module.
The easiest way to determine the ID is to use Firebug or Chrome Developer tools to inspect the menu, find its wrapper module, and grab the ID.
Your other option is to set #megaMenu{ position:absolute; } and then set an explicit height on the container instead of changing the overflow:hidden;
Xtreme One does not support WordPress Navigation Menu Theme Locations, so it can't work with UberMenu out of the box. However, it implements a nice hook system, so we can easily remove the default nav system and replace it with UberMenu Easy Integration
function um_override_xtreme_setup_theme_nav() { $pri_nav = _xtreme_primary_nav_position(); remove_action($pri_nav['hook'], '_xtreme_primary_navigation', $pri_nav['priority']); add_action($pri_nav['hook'], 'uberMenu_easyIntegrate', $pri_nav['priority']); } add_action('xtreme_setup_theme', 'um_override_xtreme_setup_theme_nav', 50);
First, Gantry doesn't use wp_nav_menu()
as is the WordPress standard, so you'll need to use UberMenu Easy Integration. The easiest solution is to place a text widget in the menu widget area and set the widget's content to [uberMenu_easyIntegrate]
. Don't forget to follow the remainder of the UberMenu Easy Integration steps.
Second, Gantry's custom menu item options override UberMenu's. To fix this, you'll need to edit wp-uber-menu-admin.php
line 29:
add_filter( 'wp_edit_nav_menu_walker', 'wpmega_walker_edit' , 500);
Change the 500 to 2000, and the UberMenu options will appear.
Third, Gantry seems to have a bug regarding widget areas, so if you place a widget in UberMenu, you'll get an error. To solve this, add a check to the Gantry function to ignore widgets without their custom widget_map parameter:
if( !isset( $params[0]['widget_map'] )) return $params;
This would be placed in plugins/gantry/core/renderers/gantrywidgetsrenderer.class.php
, around line 148, as the first line in the filterWidget() function. I have detailed this issue here, and I hope it will be resolved by Gantry in their next version.
Suffusion has added a new filter, making this process much easier
In your functions.php file, add:
function nav_uber(){ uberMenu_easyIntegrate(); return false; } add_filter( 'suffusion_can_display_top_navigation', 'nav_uber' );
Then follow the guide for activating Easy Integration, and you should be all set!
in the child theme. Here's an example child theme, including this file. The content is simply:
<?php uberMenu_easyIntegrate(); ?>
), OR#nav
div, which wraps the menu. It can be found in suffusion/functions/actions.php
line 282 in the function suffusion_display_main_navigation()
. Change it to um_nav
, for example.A suggestion for the Suffusion developer: if using the standard WordPresswp_nav_menu
function isn't an option, I would recommend attaching thesuffusion_display_main_navigation()
call to an action, rather than calling it directly. If that were the case, all we'd need to do would be to add aremove_action()
call to the functions.php to remove the old nav menu, then anadd_action()
to include the UberMenu Easy Integration. Alternatively, just make thesuffusion_display_main_navigation()
function pluggable, so that it could be overwritten in the child theme. This would make the theme more extensible and easier to integrate with other plugins, especially when non-standard WordPress functions are used.
Striking integrates with UberMenu very well, but because the header elements of striking are all positioned absolutely, you'll need to position UberMenu absolutely with custom CSS as well.
#megaMenu{ position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0; width: 650px; /* Optional */ }
Also see this excellent tutorial: How to get Übermenu full width in striking
The problem with the current version of GeoTheme is that it calls the wp_nav_menu function twice, only printing it the second time, and UberMenu will only be applied to the first.
Basically, GeoTheme is trying to check for the existence of the menu before printing it, like this:
if( wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'main_menu','fallback_cb' =>false,'echo' =>false) ){ wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'main_menu', 'fallback_cb' => 'nav_nav', 'echo' => true, 'container' => 'div', 'container_id' => 'main_nav_menu' ) ); ... }else{ ?>
It generates the code for the menu, checks that something was returned, then generates the code for the menu a second time. Because UberMenu is only applied to the wp_nav_menu function the first time it is called (which was not actually printed to the site), no UberMenu is displayed - even though it was properly processed by the plugin.
At the very least, the first output should simply be captured in a variable and then printed (so that all the work of creating the menu markup doesn't have to be executed twice). Alternatively, the standard WordPress function has_nav_menu can be used to do the check without doing all of the processing.
We need to only call wp_nav_menu once with this theme location. In your header.php, either replace the wp_nav_menu() call within the if statement with has_nav_menu(), like this:
Make sure you edit the wp_nav_menu call with the main_menu theme_location.
if( has_nav_menu( 'main_menu' ) ){ wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'main_menu', 'fallback_cb' => 'nav_nav', 'echo' => true, 'container' => 'div', 'container_id' => 'main_nav_menu' ) ); ... }else{ ?>
Or, just replace the entire if/else statement with:
wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'main_menu' ) );
If you can't edit this for some reason, your other option is to remove the double menu check from UberMenu (ubermenu.php line 380 or so, comment out:
if( $this->count > 0 ) return $args;
However, this solution is not recommended as it does not address the root cause of the problem, the duplication of the menu call
Ultimatum provides lots of flexibility, but its Ultimatum Menu Element does not seem to implement WordPress Menu Theme Locations, and therefore it does not meet the UberMenu requirements.
To integrate UberMenu, instead of using an Ultimatum Menu Element in your Header Layout, add a PHP Code Element instead.
In the body of the PHP Code Element, add the UberMenu Easy Integration Code
<?php uberMenu_easyIntegrate(); ?>
Don't forget to follow the remainder of the Easy Integration Steps, including setting a menu for the UberMenu theme location and activating it.
Thesis 2.0 doesn't support theme locations, so we'll need to install a custom Box in order to use UberMenu
Watch the video Tutorial →UberMenu integrates easily with Libra, but there is some significant residual styling because the menu styles are based on the #nav ID, which is not set via wp_nav_menu. All we need to do is change the id="nav" to id="nav-uber", but since the menu is not printed directly in the header.php, we can't use the normal WordPress template system to just override the header template. Instead, we can use Libra's template system to provide our own replacement nav template. Here's what needs to be done:
function yit_topbar() { require_once( 'topbar.php' ); }
I've created a child theme that does all of this for you. Just install and activate it, then set up your menu as usual.
Download the Libra Child ThemeIn Avada 2.1 there are 5 different headers, so there are multiple locations you may need to edit in wp-content/themes/Avada/framework/headers to replace
Please see ThemeFusion's guide for more information
Prior to version 2.1Avada has its own responsive menu system, so you'll want to replace it with UberMenu. In the header.php file, you should find something like this:
Just remove the nav wrapper from around the wp_nav_menu call, then float the menu right
<?php wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location' => 'main_navigation', 'depth' => 4, 'container' => false, 'menu_id' => 'nav')); ?>
(the arguments don't matter apart from theme_location)
#megaMenu{ float:right; margin: 20px 0; }
That should neutralize the residual styling and Avada menu system
This is an UberMenu Core file. Keep all your customizations in other files so that if there is a future UberMenu release you can just overwrite this file easily.
Contains the mega menu skeleton structure.
These are UberMenu Core files. If you want to edit a skin, copy it to the custom.css file so that if there is a future UberMenu release you can just overwrite this file easily.
Contains the styles for each skin. One of these is included when you set a skin preset.
Copy custom-sample.css to custom.css, then start customizing. custom.css is included when the Style Application is set to "Custom".
This is the main UberMenu functionality for the site. It is loaded when 'jQuery Enhancements' is enabled. It is minified.
This is the non-minified, development version of ubermenu.min.js.
This controls UberMenu backend functionality.
Loaded when you set the trigger to "Hover Intent".
Loaded in the UberMenu control panel to create color pickers.
Used for demo purposes only.
This generally indicates that you have a javascript error that is preventing UberMenu from running its script. To troubleshoot this, install Firebug or use Chrome Developer tools (F12 in Chrome) and load the page with Firebug activated. Look at the console for any javascript errors. Here is an example:
The errors above are unrelated to UberMenu, but prevent it from working properly. Most often, these types of errors result from poorly coded Plugins or Themes. They need to be resolved.
You can change the height of the menu using CSS. Depending on the effect you are trying to achieve, you may want to:
Increase the size of the top level menu itemsThis solution is recommended for most users
#megaMenu ul.megaMenu > > a{ padding-top:20px; padding-bottom:20px; }Increase the height of the menu bar
#megaMenu ul.megaMenu{ height:50px; }Increase the padding of the menu bar
#megaMenu ul.megaMenu{ padding:20px 0px; }
You can create "dummy" menu items by using the hash tag. Just create a custom menu item and set
the URL to #
. Then check Disable Link in the UberMenu Item Options.
This means that your theme's menu styles are affecting UberMenu adversely. Use Firebug to determine
how the theme styles the menu. Usually, the easiest fix is to change the ID or class of the containing
div (the one surrounding #megaMenu
). Otherwise, you can delete the menu styles from your
theme. A third option is to counteract the styles using custom CSS.
For detailed instructions, please see remove residual styling.
This is usually a z-index issue with your theme's container divs. There is a simple fix, but it must be applied to the appropriate containers. Specifically, the adjacent containers of the overlapping elements. For example, in this situation:
<div id="wrap"> <div id="nav-container"> <div id="megaMenu"> ... </div> </div> <div id="content"> <div id="overlapping-element"></div> </div> </div>
You would need to apply these CSS styles:
#nav-container{ position:relative; z-index:20; } #content{ position:relative; z-index:10; }
Put another way, the styles need to be applied to the relevant children of the first common ancestor of
the target (overlapping) elements. Above, the first common ancestor is #wrap
, and its
children are #nav-container
and #content
. Sometimes, the adjacent containers
can be several levels up the DOM tree, so it is not necessarily the parent items that need to be positioned.
To keep your control panel as tidy as possible, UberMenu Widget Areas are not enabled by default. To enable them, navigate to Appearance > UberMenu and enter an integer greater than zero in the Number of Widget Areas box. Save the options and you will see UberMenu Widget Areas appear in the Widgets control panel.
Each theme registers different theme locations in which to place the menu. If your new theme still supports WordPress 3 Custom Menus, all you'll need to do is go back to Appearance > Menus, set your menu to the new Theme Location and activate that location with UberMenu. If your new theme does not support WP3 Menus, you'll need to use easy integration.
Please note that this FAQ is here to assist you as a reference guide, but it is considered a customization outside the realm of supported features.
By default, UberMenu flys out to the right, so we'll need to add some custom CSS to adjust that if we're using it in a right sidebar.
[uberMenu_easyIntegrate echo="false"]
#megaMenu.megaMenuVertical ul .ss-nav-menu-reg ul.sub-menu, #megaMenu.megaMenuVertical ul .ss-nav-menu-mega ul.sub-menu-1{ left:auto !important; right:100% !important; }
#megaMenu.megaMenuVertical ul.megaMenu > > ul.sub-menu-1, #megaMenu.megaMenuVertical ul.megaMenu > ul.sub-menu{ border-left:1px solid #ddd !important; border-right:none; box-shadow:-2px 2px #eee; }
The columns shortcode uses regular expressions to intelligently determine your columns without the need to identify each column's index. This requires the use of the PHP pcre package, version 7.8 or later. The following error:
indicates that you are running an older version of pcre. To solve this error, upgrade your server's pcre package. You can contact your hosting provider for specific details.
UberMenu is only licensed for use on a single WP installation. If you want to use UberMenu on a WordPress MultiSite installation, you must purchase a license for each site.
That being said, UberMenu is not tested with WPMS, and the timthumb functionality of UberMenu may not work properly in WPMS installations.
UberMenu will not be able to be installed globally.
UberMenu implements all of the standard current menu item classes, so you can target and adjust those properties via custom CSS . You can inspect the top level list items for each page using Firebug to see what is available to you at any given time. These are the standard options:
.current-menu-item .current-menu-parent .current-menu-ancestor
To highlight the current menu item red, you could use this style, for example:
#megaMenu > ul.megaMenu > > a{ color:red; }
Depending on where you put your code, you may need to employ the !important
If your menu is showing up as an unstyled list, it's likely that you have HTML5 enabled. Internet Explorer can't handle HTML5 tags. You simply need to deactivate HTML5 via Appearance > UberMenu > Advanced Settings > HTML5
Otherwise, use make sure you don't have any plugin/theme javascript errors or residual styling affecting the menu
You can put your CSS styles in any stylesheet that makes you happy. Your choice depends on an inherent trade-off in ease vs. maintainability.
Option 1: UberMenu'scustom.css
This is the recommended solution. Remember, custom.css is only loaded if you have the "Custom" preset selected in the UberMenu options. You'll need to copy your preferred preset styles into this file, and add your custom styles as well. See Creating your own styles via CSS for details. This is the best place from a maintenance perspective, because when you upgrade you'll just need to preserve the custom.css file.
Option 2: UberMenu's Style Configuration Custom CSS (Control Panel)New in UberMenu 2.0
If you have a small amount of CSS code to add, you can place it in your site head by adding it to Appearance > UberMenu > Style Configuration > Custom CSS
Option 3: A special place where you keep custom CSS.If you have created (or if your theme provides) a special location for custom CSS styles, this is a great place for custom UberMenu styles as well.
Note: Just keep in mind that this stylesheet is likely loaded before
UberMenu's, so if you're trying to override existing styles you'll need to either use more specific
selectors or use the !important
flag in your styles.
You might already be putting your customizations in your theme's style.css. This is fine, just make sure you keep track of them. It's best to keep them all in one place so you can easily transfer them if you upgrade your theme. Also, see the above note regarding specificity.
Option 5: UberMenu's preset filesNOT RECOMMENDED
This is discouraged, because it will make it difficult to upgrade. If you want to edit or add to one of these files, copy it to custom.css first as described in Option 1.
Option 6: UberMenu'sbasic.css
This is a core file. It should never be edited unless you have no intention of ever upgrading UberMenu
Pick your poison! :)
Normally with WordPress, the login page isn't styled, so UberMenu's CSS and JS aren't loaded there in order to avoid conflicts that arise when only the login styles are loaded.
To load on the registration and login pages, just enable Load UberMenu on Login and Registration Pages in Appearnce > UberMenu > Theme Integration.
Normally, each row completely clears the previous row. So with this menu item hierarchy:
Results in this layout:
Top Level | ||
One | Two | Three |
Blue | Purple | Dog |
Red | Orange | Cat |
Green | Yellow | Bird |
Grey | ||
Black | ||
Four | Five | Six |
Horse | Hospital | Bank |
Cow | Post Office | School |
Zebra | Fire Station | Gas Station |
As you can see, the second row clears the first row entirely.
To create the following layout instead:
Top Level | ||
One | Two | Three |
Blue | Purple | Dog |
Red | Orange | Cat |
Green | Yellow | Bird |
Four | Grey | Six |
Horse | Black | Bank |
Cow | Five | School |
Zebra | Hospital | Gas Station |
Post Office | ||
Fire Station |
You can use the Header Display menu item option, moving the flattening out the lower columns into third level menu items, and organize your items this way: (Display as Header Items in bold red)
The menu item option looks like this (a third level menu item):
Flash objects are layered outside of the normal HTML layering system and do not adhere to z-indexing. They are always layered on top of all HTML. The way to fix this is to add a wmode parameter to the object and set the value to opaque or transparent. Here's an article describing wmode.
To the Object tag, add the following parameter (opaque is shown as an example):OR
add ?wmode=transparent
to the embedded link like this:
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" wmode="opaque" >See Fix YouTube embedded iFrame
If your videos are dynamically created and inserted (with javascript, for instance), and they overlap an UberMenu submenu (or any content on your page) iOS won't handle that nicely - the overlapped content will become unresponsive after you activate/play the video.
Unfortunately, there is nothing to be done from an UberMenu standpoint - this is an issue with the way iOS handles dynamically inserted Flash objects and overlapping HTML elements. Here are some potential solutions for the issue - your mileage may vary:
This Stack Overflow answer explains the dynamic insertion issue (see the answer with 18+ votes) :
You can fix z-index on dynamically created videos by giving the video element -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d
If your videos are dynamically inserted, insert them statically instead. The issue seems to only occur with dynamically inserted videos, based on reports.
If all else fails, you could write some javascript that will hide the video when UberMenu is in the hover state. Something like:
But even this may introduce its own issues in iOS. Until iOS Safari becomes a more robust browser, this may simply be a limitation of having videos on your site
If none of the above solutions work for you, unfortunately this issue seems unresolvable for the time being. This issue is due to the way mobile Safari handles video elements and focus layering. Until Apple resolves the issue with mobile Safari, there is no solution to my knowledge.
Please note that this is not an UberMenu issue. It is a server configuration issue. Unfortunately, there is nothing UberMenu can change to fix the issue. You'll have to work out the solution to remove the POST vars limitation on your server or with your host. Hopefully this FAQ will point you in the right direction.
Some users will experience a limit to the number of items they can add to their menu. Unfortunately, this manifests as all menu items after the first X (X may be 16, 72, 270, or any number), and the rest will be lost.
This limit is NOT imposed by UberMenu. The limit is actually a server configuration issue. There are two common server configuration issues that can cause this problem:
Most commonly, this issue occurs due to a program called Suhosin which runs on your server. This is a known issue with WordPress, and affects both the standard WordPress Menu System, as well as UberMenu, which is built on top of that system.
In most cases, the solution is as simple as asking your host to increase the max_vars variables in your php.ini. = 5000 suhosin.request.max_vars = 5000
Here are some resources that should be useful for you:
As of PHP 5.3.9, there is a new PHP ini directive called max_input_vars, which does the same thing as Suhosin's post.max_vars. By default, max_input_vars is set to 1000, which can easily be reached with the WordPress menu system (and you'll reach it even faster due to the extra options with UberMenu). The solution is to add the following to your php.ini:
max_input_vars = 5000;
(you might start by trying 3000)
Here is a bit more information
Note that it is inadvisable to have more than 100 menu items on a page for SEO reasons.
By default, the menu will inherit the font from your theme. You can change the font via custom CSS:
#megaMenu, #megaMenu li, #megaMenu li a, #megaMenu li .widget, #megaMenu li p{ font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }
To change the font size, grab one of the selectors from the customizer and set the font-size property. For the top level:
/* Top Level Items */ #megaMenu ul.megaMenu > li > a, #megaMenu ul.megaMenu > li > { font-size: 12px; }
Widget areas take up the entire width of a submenu by default. This is because the widgets inside the widget area form the columns, and a single menu item contains one widget area, which contains multiple widgets. This is explained in the Widgets section, and you can see a visualization in the Customization Assistant by clicking the "Uber" tab.
To adjust the width of the widget area, you can target it directly
/* The ID will be specific to your menu */ #megaMenu li#menu-item-9429{ width:173px !important; /* whatever width you want */ }
Arrow submenu indicators are added when one of two conditions are met:
If you have top level menu items with no submenus and want to remove the arrows, simply uncheck Activate Mega Menu on those menu items
The arrow indicators are added using CSS :after pseudoclasses. To remove them add this CSS:
#megaMenu ul > li.megaReg-with-sub > a::after, #megaMenu ul li.mega-with-sub > a::after, #megaMenu ul > a::after, #megaMenu ul li.megaReg-with-sub >, #megaMenu ul li.mega-with-sub >, #megaMenu ul >{ display:none; border:none !important; }
You can then adjust the right-padding if you wish using these selectors:
UberMenu 2.0 includes some CSS3 transitions that make things smoother in modern browsers, for example the top level menu item tabs on hover. You'll notice these effects in Chrome and Firefox, but not older versions of IE. If you wish to remove these transitions, add this CSS:
#megaMenu ul.megaMenu > li > a, #megaMenu ul.megaMenu > li > a:hover{ -webkit-transition:none !important; -moz-transition:none !important; -o-transition:none !important; transition:none !important; }
Note that this is not the same as the submenu dropdown animation. You can turn that off in the UberMenu Control Panel if you wish.
In WordPress 3.3, the way Featured Images were handled changed, making the "Use as featured image" option in the Media Manager "disappear". UberMenu 1.1.4 was released to make UberMenu compatible with the new WordPress release (please see the UberMenu change log at the bottom of the product page for more information).
If you are still using UberMenu 1.1.3 or earlier, and have upgraded to WordPress 3.3, you have two options: upgrade to UberMenu 2.0 (see the important upgrade instructions), which you can download through your CodeCanyon Downloads page, or you can contact me directly via my CodeCanyon contact form and I will send you a copy of UberMenu 1.1.4, if that's what you'd prefer.
By default, widget areas create new, full-width rows, as described in the UberMenu Layouts section of the guide. This is for several reasons, the main being that the widgets in a widget area make up the columns, rather than individual menu items.
If you wish to have a widget area share a row with normal menu items, you'll need to make some CSS customizations to make them act like normal widget items. Essentially, this means floating the item left, adjusting its width, and removing the clear.
#megaMenu li#menu-item-XX{ float:left; clear:none; width:auto; padding:11px 27px; }
Where #menu-item-XX
is the ID of your menu item to which the widget
area is attached.
Note that if you want to add more than one widget to this widget area, you may get unpredictable results (because the widget area is told to "size automatically", while the widgets are told to "size to the parent container". This is essentially a circular reference, and the result is unpredictable). Setting an explicit width (instead of 'auto') resolves the issue.
This is actually a built-in WordPress feature.
A common scenario is that the menu bar is aligned to the right of the header, and might only be 50% of the page width, however, you want the submenu to span the entire width of the content. By default, the submenu is restricted to the width of the top level menu bar, but this can be overridden.
For example, you may have UberMenu floated right:
#megaMenu{ float:right; }
Or it may be absolutely positioned:
#megaMenu{ position:absolute; right:0; top:20px; }
In these cases this might be the desired result:
#megaMenu.megaMenuHorizontal ul.megaMenu > > ul.sub-menu.sub-menu-1{ width:940px !important; max-width:none !important; }
#megaMenu.megaMenuHorizontal ul.megaMenu > > ul.sub-menu.sub-menu-1{ width:940px !important; max-width:none !important; right:0; left:auto !important; }
@media only screen and (min-width: 960px){ #megaMenu.megaMenuHorizontal ul.megaMenu > > ul.sub-menu.sub-menu-1{ width:940px !important; max-width:none !important; } }Alternatively, you can add media queries for various sizes and adjust the width of the submenu manually. How you accomplish this is totally up to you and dependent on your site.
Please remember that customizations are not included in support. This FAQ is here to explain best practices, but you will need to implement the changes yourself
Just want to style a single menu item? Every item has an ID, and you can target that item by its ID. Just open up Firebug or Chrome Developer Tools and inspect the menu item in question. The ID is attached to the list item (LI). To style the menu item, use this selector template, replacing menu-item-100 with the ID of your menu item:
#megaMenu ul.megaMenu li#menu-item-100 > a{ /* place style properties here */ }
One easy way to accomplish styling a group of menu items is to use UberMenu's "Highlight" option for those menu items. You can customize the highlight style with this selector template:
#megaMenu ul.megaMenu > a, #megaMenu ul.megaMenu > { }
Want to pick and choose which menu items have your special styling? Add a class! This is a default WordPress menu feature. Just add your special class to each menu item you need styled differently, and style that CSS class however you like.
Here are details on Adding a custom class
Want to change the way an entire level of menu items looks, like the whole top level, or all submenu headers? You can get all the style selector templates you need by using the UberMenu Customization Assistant
UberMenu is designed to be used with 3 level of menu items. Second level menu items are headers, while third level menu items align vertically beneath those headers. Sometimes users have only the need for two levels. In that case, the vertical spacing of the second level menu items seems excessive, as there are no third level menu items to pad.
Adding this CSS to your custom styles will space the second level menu items more appropriately
#megaMenu ul.megaMenu ul.sub-menu-1{ padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px; } #megaMenu ul.megaMenu ul.sub-menu{ padding-top:0; padding-bottom:0; } #megaMenu ul.megaMenu ul.sub-menu > a{ border-bottom:none; padding-bottom:0; margin-bottom:0; }
Many responsive themes use the "responsive select menu" paradigm to display their responsive menus. This means that the theme actually prints two menus, and uses CSS media queries to only display one at a time.
By calling wp_nav_menu twice with the same theme_location parameter, the theme produces two menus, only one of which will become an UberMenu. The second is now superfluous.
Here's what the setup usually looks like:
Several situations may arise, depending on how the theme has setup its responsiveness:
You have three options to resolve this:
UberMenu is already responsive, and does not require an additional menu. If you wish to use UberMenu's responsive capabilities, you'll need to find the secondary (responsive) wp_nav_menu call (normally in your theme's header.php), and remove it. Now you'll have a single menu controlled entirely by UberMenu. Be sure to remove any residual styling (see also: residual styling troubleshooting guide) in the process.
If you want to use UberMenu for wider screens and the theme's responsive menu for mobile devices, you'll need to do two things:
You can also use UberMenu with my (free) Responsive Select Menu plugin. Again, you'd remove the second wp_nav_menu call, then just follow the instructions to set up the Responsive Select Menu at the appropriate breakpoint (no coding required, you can do this in the Responsive Select Menu Control Panel). See a demo here
Some users may experience a memory limit error. This means that your WordPress installation (core + theme + plugins) have overrun the memory limit allowed by your server. The error looks like this:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of XXXXXXX bytes exhausted (tried to allocate XXXXX bytes) in /path/to/function/file on line XXX
Tip: You can check your PHP configuration settings by viewing the output of the phpinfo() function
The solution is to increase the PHP memory limit on your server. There are several potential ways to do this:
Your server has a PHP initialization file (php.ini). To increase your memory, you change the memory_limit directive. Usually 64MB or 128M is a good amount.
memory_limit = 64M
The error message will indicate how many bytes (translate this to MB using Google if needed) your current system has allocated, and you can use this as a basis for how much you increase your limit.
WordPress offers a way to Increase memory allocated to PHP in your wp-config.php file.
Depending on your host, you may or may not have access to php.ini, and they may disallow the wp-config.php solution. In that case, you will need to contact them directly to resolve the issue. If they refuse to increase your memory limit, you'll either need to change your hosting plan or lighten your plugin/theme load to reduce the memory requirements of your installation.
Please note that this is not a problem with UberMenu - the available memory is shared among all plugins, theme, and WordPress core running in your installation. As the different parts of your installation load, they use up your server's capacity. The error simply occurs on the function that happens to send it over the limit. Often the function that puts it over the top is only a few kilobytes.
If you run into a PHP error, for example, an Internal Server Error, you'll need to enable debugging on your WordPress site in order to identify the error in a meaningful way. To do so, edit your wp-config.php file as described here. Replace the part that normally sets WP_DEBUG to FALSE with
/** * This will log all errors notices and warnings to a file called debug.log in * wp-content (if Apache does not have write permission, you may need to create * the file first and set the appropriate permissions (i.e. use 666) ) */ define('WP_DEBUG', true); define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true); define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false); @ini_set('display_errors',0);
Now re-do whatever caused the error, and then check the debug.log file (again, don't forget to make sure the server can write to it!)
The debug log normally gives a pretty clear explanation of the issue. The most common issues will be resolved by configuring your server properly, normally by increasing the memory_limit or max_execution time.
If you receive the message "the given object id is not that of a menu item", this seems to be an issue with the standard WordPress menu system. It seems that it is the result of some type of database corruption
There are two things you can do:
A use has reported that working with the same issue here
It is likely your server is hitting its configured memory limit and preventing the menu save from completing successfully, leaving you with a broken menu.
There is also the possibility that you have reached a Menu Item Limit, and that those solutions may help
Some users have reported issues with caching plugins such as W3TC (W3 Total Cache). The symptom is that the menu is intermittently displayed as an unstyled list on cached pages.
I've investigated this issue, and the cause is that the caching program has not properly cached the menu markup - instead, it seems to revert to either the theme's markup, or some default markup for the menu, thereby resulting in the unstyled list of menu items.
In other words, UberMenu is not being displayed at all. Codewise, UberMenu's display is a combination of two things: HTML and CSS. The CSS (stylesheets) are still loaded; however, the cached page does not display the UberMenu-generated HTML markup. As a result, there is nothing for the CSS to style (the elements which the CSS targets do not exist). The menu being displayed is not UberMenu at all, and that is the problem.
To my knowledge, there is nothing UberMenu can do to change how W3TC chooses to cache the page. UberMenu follows all of the WordPress standards to create the menu markup (via filters and custom navigation walkers).
Please note: I am not sure if this is an issue with the plugin itself, or with the way the plugin has been configured on a particular site.
For help with caching issues, I recommend contacting the author of the caching plugin, as they will certainly have better insight into how the caching works. If there are any recommendations that will help the caching plugin be more compatible, I am certainly willing to consider them.
One potential solution is to use the caching plugin mfunc functionality. For example, in WP-Super Cache this may help (different plugins may use different syntax, check your caching plugin's documentation for details on "dynamic caching")
<?php wp_nav_menu( $args ); ?>
For now, if you experience this issue and the above does not help, the recommended solution is to disable caching.
The black square that shows up on mobile devices allowing to close the menu on touchscreens can be styles with the selectors below. I recommend only changing colors/fonts.
#megaMenu ul.megaMenu a span.uber-close, #megaMenu ul.megaMenu span.uber-close{ top:0; right:0; background:#999; background:rgba( 0, 0, 0, .9 ); font-size:20px; font-weight:bold; color:#f5f5f5; }